There are several forms of self-adhesive bronzing. This article summarizes the characteristics of self-adhesive bronzing and self-adhesive bronzing on different mechanical platforms. Among them, there are many kinds of bronzing processes: cold bronze, round bronze, flat bronze, process characteristics and adjustment methods.
According to the processing method of the self-adhesive label, the hot stamping method is divided into single hot stamping and hot stamping. Plate bronzing corresponds to the traditional bronzing process and is processed on a special bronzing machine. The roll paper bronzing is carried out on a label splicing machine, which is a common processing method. There are several methods for bronze coils:
A. Flat Press Hot Stamping on Labeling Machine
The letterpress label press, whether flatbed or round flatbed, is completely flat due to the intermittent feeding of the roll paper. In general, the bronzing table is an independent unit, and some models share a bronzing and bronzing unit and are used separately.
B. Multi-station flat stamping
Some models of hot stamping unit have two stations, one is located near the platen for horizontal hot stamping, and the other unit is a separate unit for vertical hot stamping. This model is available in both shades of bronze.
C. Flat stamping on processing machine
This converter is designed for processing printed labels and labels that do not have to be printed. Hot stamping is the function of the processing machine, and the hot stamping device on the processing machine generally adopts the flat pressing method.
D. Circular Press and Circular Bronze on Rotary Machine
The hot stamping plate used for circular pressing and circular hot stamping is a cylinder, which is in contact with the hot stamping cylinder during hot stamping to achieve hot stamping. Circular hot stamping is suitable for rotary labeling machines with continuous feeding, but there are certain requirements for feeding speed, which affects the printing speed. However, compared with flat stamping, the efficiency is greatly improved.
E. Rotary machine cold stamping
This is a new hot stamping process that no longer uses heated metal plates, but uses pressure adhesive to transfer the metal foil to achieve hot stamping. The process flow is: first print UV pressure-sensitive adhesive on the place where the printed matter is to be punched, then dry the glue through a UV dryer, then compound the pressure-sensitive adhesive with the special metal foil, and then peel off the metal foil so that the metal foil is transferred The part is transferred to the surface of the print to achieve cold bronzing. The cold foil stamping process is low cost, energy saving, high production efficiency, and can use existing equipment parts without adding additional equipment. This is a promising new technology.
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